Saturday, May 21, 2011


It doesn't Fall far from the tree

I want to thank Carolyn, author of the blog It Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree, for this Versatile Blogger Award!  If you haven't visited Carolyn's blog, you are truly missing something.

I have to post seven things about myself, so here goes...

1) I am the mother of a son and a daughter.
2) I was born and brought up in Montgomery, Alabama.
3) I am a former banker and stockbroker.
4) I have an undergraduate degree in molecular biology and a masters in law.
5) I am working on a masters in visual and liberal arts because I love the arts.
6) Most importantly to me, we are a Christian family.
7) I love design, art, cooking, needlework, and tennis.

Now on to the most important part of this award!! Passing it on to others! Here are the 15 people that I think definitely deserve this award!

Thank you again, Carolyn!


See you soon,

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